
Reb Jacob Solomon

Dear Friend and Participant,

I am writing to welcome you in precisely those capacities – as a friend, and as a participant. In reaching you, please bear in mind that it is your reading of these weekly Parashat Hashavua items that is giving me the moral support to continue to work on this project.

My purpose in writing is primarily to put across ‘bite size’ material for discussion around your Shabbat table. In addition, the task of putting down the various Divrei Torah helps me to teach myself – it enables me to clarify the various issues in my own mind. The weekly D’var Torah series has developed into an activity that has given me a sense of creativity, and a great deal of pleasure.

My work has not aimed to produce comprehensive studies of particular points. Rather, I have attempted to develop insights that bring out some of the values contained in the sacred texts and in their commentaries. This year’s (5799) focus is on the Ohr HaChayim, last year’s was Abarbanel, the year before, the Kli Yakar, and the year before that, the S’forno. My future plans, B’ezrat HaShem include working through some of the writings of the Ramchal and applying some of his ideas towards understanding the weekly Parsha.

I have used an Anglicized (rather than ‘Heimische’) style, to reach as wide a range of readers as possible. For the same reason, I have used the Israeli, rather than my (personally more accustomed) Ashkenazi pronunciation in transliteration and terminology.

These Divrei Torah sheets are written le-ililui nishmat my dear Mother – Harabanit Devorah Solomon ztl, who died just before Rosh Hashannah 5759. As a family, we regularly studied the Parashat Hashevua around the table on Shabbat, and in many ways I owe my love of the Torah and its observance to her wonderful wise, gentle, and kind influence. May her memory be blessed! And may the Almighty be thanked for giving me the inspiration and strength to work on this project.

I am extremely indebted to friends who have pointed out errors and suggested ways to improve the material – both verbally and through e-mail. Do remain assured that I do note the suggestions and consider them in any future use of the material.

Please feel free to comment: constructive points are always welcome. I am only an e-mail away: – and I do look forward to hearing from you. I will do my best bli-neder to reply.

With renewed greetings from the Holy City of Jerusalem, and many thanks for your support.

Best wishes ve-kol tuv,
Jacob Solomon


Copyright @ Torah in Action 2018