
Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler

Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler escaped from Berlin as a baby and spent his childhood in London. He studied at Gateshead Yeshiva, and in 1970 went to Johannesburg as part of the original Kollel, Kollel Yad Shaul, led by Rabbi Shakovitzki, ZL., that spearheaded the ‘Chozrim Bitshuva’ movement in South Africa. He was very involved in chinuch there, and taught in Yeshiva College and Beis Yaakov.

He started producing Midei Shabbos in Johannesburg, where he also established a Beis Hamedrash called “Ahavas Torah Center”

In 1993 he moved to Har Nof, Jerusalem, where he is currently a member of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, led by Rabbi Kornfeld. This Kollel has multiple, extensive lessons on the Daf, including Insights, Background, Halacha, Tosfos Outlines, Yerushalmi, Shulchan Aruch etc. Eliezer Chrysler was responsible for Review Questions and Answers on every page of Shas, Mishnayis, many mesechtos of Tosfos etc. He is currently working on a comprehensive study of Chumash, based on Rashi, Ramban and other Rishonim.

Besides Midei Shabbos, he is also well known for composing original beautiful Jewish melodies, and has produced 9 CDs.


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